All-Parish Meeting Our Annual meeting is help in the first quarter of the new year to establish a clear and shared understanding of who we are as a faith community and what our future holds. This is also the time we elect the new members of our Vestry. The lively and enthusiastic discussion uncovers the reasons we live in Southampton and worship at St. John’s.

Christmas Each year on the week before Christmas, St. John’s holds a Lessons & Carols service modeled after the one first held at King’s College, Cambridge in 1918. Nine traditional lessons are read by congregants and each is accompanied by a hymn or Christmas carol, sung by the congregation or the St. John’s Choir. A Christmas Eve service of Holy Eucharist is also held where the community once again gathers at the manger of the Savior. We gather to be renewed, strengthened and encouraged. We gather to sing the ancient hymns of the faith and to see and understand the story they tell. We gather to share a common table to which all are welcome. We gather to bring gifts and to support not only this faith community but those who need our assistance. Our offering on Christmas Eve is always designated by the Vestry to go to community outreach efforts, including Human Resources, Southampton’s local food pantry. A children’s Christmas Pageant, held in the afternoon on Christmas Eve, rounds out the St. John’s Christmas celebration.

Harvest Supper Each autumn parishioners and guests gather in our undercroft for the popular potluck supper. Delicious supper dishes provided by attendees ranged from Chicken Marbella to Spaghetti Bolognese. Special dessert treats cap off a lovely evening!
Annual Beginning of Summer Bazaar St. John’s annual event is typically held in May and raises money for our community outreach program. The Bazaar features activities for all ages: games, pony rides, hot dogs, ice cream and soda, plus a luncheon served under a festive tent on the front lawn of the church. Adults and children shop for flowers, plants, books, baked goods, home and kitchen items, toys, furniture and clothing plus collectibles and antiques.
Study Group A book group meets on Tuesday mornings during Lent and Advent. In the past, ladies have studied and discussed such works as The Gospel of Mary Magdelene and essays by Madeline L’Engle.

Christmas Gift Tree St. John’s has partnered with Heart of the Hamptons to provide Christmas joy to the children in our community. Each star on the Tree lists gifts for a specific, but unnamed child. Parishioners provide presents and clothing for warmth during the season. All gifts are distributed through the guidance of the Heart of the Hamptons Program.

Blessing of the Animals A tradition at St. John’s since 1996, the annual Blessing of the Animals is held on the front lawn of the church at noon on the first Sunday in October. A roster of pets that have passed away is solemnly read by Fr. Patrick, prayers are said and a traditional hymn is sung. Fr. Patrick then blesses each animal in turn and a dated and signed certificate is presented to each pet.
Art Show & Cocktail Party The St John’s Episcopal Church Annual Art Show & Cocktail Party features local artists once a year in July. The event is held in the St. John’s Parish Hall and includes a reception. Installation will remain on view to the Residents and Summer Colony through the end of July.
The proceeds support the ministries of St. John’s Episcopal Church while offering a wonderful cultural event for Southampton’s residents & summer colony. The St John’s Episcopal Church Annual Art Show & Cocktail is hosted by the Parishioners of St. John’s. For more information, contact the church office at [email protected].