Welcome Our New Rector: The Rev. Jeremy L. Carlson Joins St. John’s to Lead Our Faith Community

March 5, 2025

Dear St. John’s Family,

It is with great joy that the Vestry of St. John’s announces the calling of Fr. Jeremy L. Carlson as the 8th rector in our 113-year history. Fr. Jeremy comes to us from St Mary’s on the Highlands in Birmingham, Alabama where he is the associate rector. He will begin his ministry with us on May 1 and his first Sunday will be May 4. We are confident that Fr. Jeremy will lead us in exciting new directions, building upon our strong foundation of faith and love.

Fr. Jeremy will be joined in Southampton by his lovely wife Laura and his daughters Ann Wright and Alice as soon as the school year ends for the girls. See below for Fr. Jeremy’s biography and photos of his family. Please join us in welcoming the Carlson family to St. John’s. We look forward to getting to know them and embarking on this new chapter together.

With blessings,
Lisa Gillespie & Bill McCoy
Search Committee Co-Chairs

the reverend jeremy carlson

The Rev. Jeremy Carlson is an Episcopal priest from the Diocese of Alabama. Jeremy was ordained in 2018 and since then has served as the Assistant to the Rector at St. Mary’s-on-the-Highlands Episcopal Church in Birmingham. Jeremy’s ministry as a pastor, priest, and teacher at St. Mary’s centers on adult education, Christian formation, and family ministries. As part of this work, Jeremy has served on the Diocesan Counsel, the Bishop’s select committee for the diocesan budget, and as Chaplain to the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department’s Rescue Dive Team.

Before beginning ordained ministry, Jeremy worked as a lawyer and a teacher. As a lawyer, Jeremy was a litigator whose practice centered on business and commercial disputes. Jeremy practiced law in Alabama and in Mississippi. Shortly after college and before beginning law school, Jeremy worked as a public-school teacher where he taught seventh grade civics, geography, and world history. Jeremy holds degrees from Sewanee, The University of the South (M. Div. 2018), The University of Alabama (B.A. 1995, J.D. 2004), and the University of Alabama, Birmingham (M.A. Ed. 1997).

Jeremy is married to Laura Carlson; the couple will celebrate their 25th anniversary in March. Laura works in the electric utility business. Jeremy and Laura have two daughters, Ann Wright (18) and Alice (14). This fall, Ann Wright will begin college at Auburn University; Alice will be in 10th grade and continue her dedicated work learning to play the guitar. Away from work, Jeremy enjoys fly fishing, being outdoors, and playing the trombone.

Jeremy, Laura, Ann Wright, and Alice are so excited about beginning this next season of their lives with the good people of St. John’s and look forward to serving alongside you.

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