
Stewardship at St. John’s is about being grateful, responsible guardians of the gifts we receive from God and about contributing money, time, and talent as we live out our Baptismal Covenant. We firmly believe in the transformational power of stewardship, which aids us in discerning what work God is calling us to do. Regardless of how much we have, we value supporting our ministries and mission with abundance.

Financial stewardship has been sound. An astute Finance and Investment Committee oversees our endowment and other financial issues. Its focus continues to be on building our endowment to meet the needs of the parish.

The Rector leads our annual pledge appeal. Our yearly pledge appeal is an important way for our parishioners and those of the summer community of St. Andrew’s to support our yearly budget needs. During Covid we started a new way to donate online.

St. John’s community of caring people offers an array of programs and outreach for the community around us. Contributing toward the ministries of St. John’s touches lives around Southampton and beyond, including yours! 

Oftentimes, when a particular need is made known to the congregation, some individual will step up and cover the cost. Our parish membership has declined over the past ten years and with it some of our most generous benefactors. But, for example, during Covid when Episcopal parishes were closed, a small group of benefactors opened St. Andrew’s Dune Church for us to celebrate Christmas.

Support the ministries of St. John’s with either a one-time donation or a pledge. Ways to give include cash, checks, credit or debit cards, and electronically by text on your phone, and online through a data secure payment system. To give online, click here.

In August 2024, we completed a highly successful stewardship effort. What might have been conducted as a typical capital campaign to replace all of our worn-out 112-year-old windows, became instead an opportunity for parishioners to underwrite works of art. Generous donations more than covered the $230,000 cost.

Epiphany Studios, a prominent stained glass creator in Middletown, Virginia, designed and installed eleven new works depicting sacred stories. In addition, a friend of the parish donated two works by Margaret Redmond (1866-1948), an acclaimed stained glass artist whose work in the medieval revival style graces many churches including Trinity Church in Boston.